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Foreign Trade Company Matchmaking Meeting

24 May 2024

On the morning of April 2nd, with the support of the Key Project Service Center of the Economic Development Zone, Shengda Power held a foreign trade company docking meeting. A total of 8 foreign trade companies were present, including Shiyan Entong, Hubei Junuo, Hubei Jingjia, Shiyan Songgang, Shiyan Diwei, Hubei Zhuoqian, Hubei Haojing, and Hubei Kanggong, to negotiate Shengda Power's overseas market plan.

At the meeting, Minister Tuo of the Technology Research and Development Department first introduced himself to the company and its products. Secondly, entrepreneurs from 8 foreign trade companies introduced their own company's development history, scale, and overseas main products, and also shared some experiences in overseas markets.


My feelings after listening: ① Overseas markets are not achieved overnight. What every entrepreneur can achieve today is the investment of sweat and wisdom. The accumulation of experience in the process is very important, and there are both successes and failures. ② The success or failure of things also depends on persistence and breakthroughs, daring to innovate and embrace change Overseas markets require preliminary research to determine where the market is located The price and quality of the product are areas that customers are more concerned about.


To better carry out overseas market work, we should learn from excellent entrepreneurs who have sharp eyes and a keen sense of discovering market opportunities. We also need to accelerate the infrastructure work of product brochures and Chinese English websites in the early stage, so that foreign trade companies, distributors, and customers can quickly understand us; For those with zero experience in overseas markets, we also need to learn more about overseas trade knowledge.

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